Math Word Problems

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The system for solving word problems used in this video is called 'solving word problems with a BUCK' this system helps teachers teach students how to simplify, organize, and solve word problems. Five steps for solving word problems shown in a couple of sample word problems. These word problems use basic one step expressions.

Story Problems Once you know your basic operations (, ), you will encounter story problems, also known as word problems, which require you to read a problem and decide which operation to perform in order to get the answer. There are key words here that often indicate which operation you will use. We will give you a list of them, but remember that for many problems, there may not be a key word, and you’ll have to use your best judgment in order to figure out what to do! The correct answer here would be C.

When we divide, we get an answer of 9.2966666, with a repeating 6 at the end. We want to round it to the nearest cent, which is the hundredths place after the decimal.

We see that that number is already a 9, and a 6 after it means round up. However, we can’t make one place value a ten, so we increase the tenths digit by one, turning the 2 into a 3. If this doesn’t make sense, please read.


Thus, your final answer is $9.30 after rounding. Now, let’s go through some harder story (word) problems. All of the story problems we’ve done have had only one step, and we’ve been able to easily decide if they are addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. However, some story problems have more than one step, involving more than one key word and/or operation.

We’ll show you a few of these now. First, you have to figure out how many square feet he has to carpet overall. That means we need to figure out the area of each room, and add those together. We multiply the dimensions together as follows: 15 x 12 = 180 ft 2 17 x 14 = 238 ft 2 10 x 12 = 120 ft 2 Now, we have the area of each floor he has to carpet, so we can add these all together to find out the total amount of carpeting he needs.

Math word problems

180 + 238 + 120 = 538 ft 2. This is the total amount John will need. However, the problem said that he already has 130 ft 2 of carpet, so we need to figure out how much more he needs.

Therefore, we need to subtract 130 from 538, and we get 408 ft 2 leftover. This is how much more carpeting John will need to finish off his three rooms.

Final answer: 408 ft 2.

Math Word Problems 2nd Grade

. Read the question carefully. Depending on the complexity and length of the problem, it may require at least one re-reading. Take your time. This is perhaps easier to say than it is to do, especially if you are taking a test of being assessed against the clock. Nevertheless, time taken to fully understand a problem can made up by more quickly solving it. Highlight key words, language, and phrases.

Underline or use a highlighter pen. Take notes in the margin. Ignore irrelevant information. Sometimes information that does not relate directly to the problem is included. Score out such information so it does not cause confusion.

Complete all the steps. In some multi-step word problems there can be a temptation to stop before all the steps are complete. For example, with '.how much is left?' Type questions, the hard part is finding how much has been used, and since it takes so long to work this out, the final subtraction from the original total step can be forgotten. Write your answer in full. For example, if the question is 'How many runs did John score?' ; answer 'John scored 8 runs.'

Math Word Problems For 2nd Grade


Do not just write '8'. Show your working. This will help when you check your answer and, even if you get the final solution wrong, you might get credit for your correct steps and calculations.

Check to see if your answer makes sense. Ask yourself whether your answer should be bigger or smaller than the number you started with? Check that it is. You will find.