Crosshair Overlay Software
FPS Monitor - ingame overlay tool, which gives valuable system information in a real time, tests performance and does alerts when hardware works close to critical state.
. QUOTE=Johnny Guitar;43883756There is definitely an advantage, but the advantage is not worth crying about because it is very minimal. You also seem to forget that there is a large amount of spread when standing at the hip./QUOTE have you used a laser sight recently? Exactly there is no spread in this game bullets hit dead on were you are aiming at from hip, so again a CH overlay brings such a disadvantage to other players in game playing it the right way, you and the others are basically crying because yous cant aim and hit targets properly, the game is a survival game, now tell me what decent survival game related to Rust has cross-hairs?
editline12th February 2014/editline QUOTE=Hydreh;43888748Just stick blue tac in the center of your screen;)./QUOTE thats what i do:D also used to do this back in APBR days before they had crosshair mods. A crosshair on the screen is an artificial 'crutch'. It has been invented by game designers to help those who can't aim well, eg the casual player. The game designers here chose not to do that. If you find it's hard; yes, it is harder without it. However, if instead of learning to aim as it is (down the iron sight in most cases, except bow) you put up an artificial crosshair. change the game to gain an unfair advantage. That's called cheating in any book. If you don't like the game design, ask Gary to change it - I certainly hope it won't go through. I don't want crutches. But what's fair is fair: you can try. You also need to realise that you deny yourself learning something.
If you do that often, you'll remain rather skill-less and potentially dumb. By cheating, you're cheating yourself, too. You're cheating yourself out of the real achievement by taking a shortcut. But it's your choice. QUOTE=DiBBz;43888853have you used a laser sight recently? Exactly there is no spread in this game bullets hit dead on were you are aiming at from hip, so again a CH overlay brings such a disadvantage to other players in game playing it the right way, you and the others are basically crying because yous cant aim and hit targets properly, the game is a survival game, now tell me what decent survival game related to Rust has cross-hairs?
editline12th February 2014/editline thats what i do:D also used to do this back in APBR days before they had crosshair mods/QUOTE in the first part of your post you say that anyone using an add-on crosshair is playing the game wrong and are just crying. Then you edit the post to let us know that you do it too?. QUOTE=Tidus7;43883551The game not having a crosshair is nothing but poor game design. FPS games are about getting good at aiming.

You can't really aim without a crosshair. It's basic logic. Either they add crosshairs in, or continue to act like stubborn children calling people who question poor game design 'cheaters' Notice how every FPS game has a crosshair. Ok, now notice how realism as an argument is irrelevant to basically everything.
You will now find yourself struggling to justify 'remember where the center of the screen is' as a valid mechanic in an FPS game. Ya have fun with that master debater editline12th February 2014/editline im still trying to figure out if garry was trolling by comparing a crosshair to full out hack software.
I guess he has a weird sense of humor either that or Gmod is the only game he's ever played does anyone else find it immature when he says 'well people are still going to get around it!' Which is basically attacking his legitimate viewerbase? You better seriously watch it when you call me a cheater because i want good gameplay that doesn't involve GUESSING WHERE MY SHOTS ARE GOING TO GO not sure if troll/QUOTE to be honest i read this and im not sure if you are troll or not lol. If you think you know so much about game design where is your successful game, smart guy. If you want to aim the aim down the sights thats how you aim.
Your acting like your forced to hip fire. You lack common sense, sir. Tamil melody ringtones mp3 free download. Well, if the overlay is built into the game by the developers and is capable of being toggled on and off, then everybody is on the same page. If it's a third party program that is not available to everyone either due to inconvenience of download, shady warez sites, people just being incompetent, or most people wanting a more vanilla taste to their game; due to the mass majority of individuals not having an overlay due to it not being a feature of the game in the first place, it does become an advantage.
It's unfair due to not everybody being able to support/download the third party program, or if they do they get banned and/or other undesirable effects. Essentially, the argument should not be whether or not third party overlays should be allowed. There is good reason for them to not be allowed.
What should be argued is whether or not it's a feature that should be built into the game. Is it a necessary feature for the game?
I personally don't believe so. Most people seem to be playing fine without. Because of this if you need the overlay to be skillful, that seems to be a personal misgiving and nothing inherently wrong with the game. Yet, if enough people demand a built-in reticule overlay then I am certain the devs will take notice. Try to get people behind you on enhancing the game with a suggested feature. Which will make the argument for/against third party overlay software become arbitrary. QUOTE=AK8Alright, well I have been involved in archery for over twenty years and while I am getting the hang of the aiming techniques for the bow in-game, it is nowhere close to reality.
In reality, you sight along the arrow to target. The way that the bow is offset to the right in-game does not allow for proper sighting. Also, most bows have some sort of alignment help, from simply aligning the arrow while on the rest along with the top of the grip or the more advanced aiming pin systems that the pros use. In real life this is called the sighting window. I am constantly getting frustrated when the techniques that I have developed for long range targeting of AI deliver a high level of accuracy yet need to be thrown out the window at closer ranges or in conflicts with actually players.
If the model for the bow could be modified to be closer to the 'cheek' of the player I believe that would negate the need for a crosshair. Think about it, when you draw a bowstring you pull it back to your cheek and the arrow fletching should be directly below your firing side eye. Rather than implementing a crosshair system, I believe that the animations and models would benefit from a bit of tweaking. As a side note, Johnny Guitar, your profile statement is a real eye-sore. Please reduce it./QUOTE ISorry for my terrible English./I I am with you this, I went for a few archery classes a while back, aiming in this game is nothing compared to what it is in real life, for instance the sighting of the arrow and turning you body sideways (in game I get the feeling that I am standing square in relation to my target) Cross-hairs wont be needed, nor should be asked for, if Facepunch can fix the bow mechanic in the game and it closer to what it should be in real life, 'cause the tip of the arrow will indicate exactly the point you are shooting. I love the iron sights in this game - but more time should be spent on the bow.
Fixing this, will moot the cross-hair overlay or hardware cross-hair. QUOTE=lollerskates;43891179. Why do people jump in to answer without reading the OP?/QUOTE because he's asking for an official response. Pro-tip: VAC isnt managed by garry, and never will be. He has 0 access to how it works, and NEVER will. The thread should be closed already, since it's literally nothing to argue about, as nothing will change.
QUOTE=Immortalis;43891250The dumbest thing I have ever heard. Ever./QUOTE That's neat to hear mr 'I joined last month and no nothing about coding as well as know nothing about VAC or how cheats work.' I've cheated for a long time, VAC has already been decompiled pretty much completely before by people such as pa7r!ck and such. Plus, ever heard of NaS? It's a pixel aimbot that works in CS:S/CSGO When was it released? B2011/B Has it ever been VAC detected even though it's 100% public and free? BNo./B None of you kids know how VAC works, literally nothing, yet you act as if you can talk about it.
Go read a book kid. QUOTE=zerothefallen;43891324because he's asking for an official response. Pro-tip: VAC isnt managed by garry, and never will be.
He has 0 access to how it works, and NEVER will. The thread should be closed already, since it's literally nothing to argue about, as nothing will change. That's neat to hear mr 'I joined last month and no nothing about coding as well as know nothing about VAC or how cheats work.'
I've cheated for a long time, VAC has already been decompiled pretty much completely before by people such as pa7r!ck and such. Plus, ever heard of NaS? It's a pixel aimbot that works in CS:S/CSGO When was it released? B2011/B Has it ever been VAC detected even though it's 100% public and free?
BNo./B None of you kids know how VAC works, literally nothing, yet you act as if you can talk about it. Go read a book kid./QUOTE I am the OP, and I am asking about Cheatpunch, not VAC.
How the fuck do you have 7,000 posts and still. QUOTE=zerothefallen;43891324because he's asking for an official response. Pro-tip: VAC isnt managed by garry, and never will be.
He has 0 access to how it works, and NEVER will. The thread should be closed already, since it's literally nothing to argue about, as nothing will change. That's neat to hear mr 'I joined last month and no nothing about coding as well as know nothing about VAC or how cheats work.' I've cheated for a long time, VAC has already been decompiled pretty much completely before by people such as pa7r!ck and such. Plus, ever heard of NaS? It's a pixel aimbot that works in CS:S/CSGO When was it released? B2011/B Has it ever been VAC detected even though it's 100% public and free?
BNo./B None of you kids know how VAC works, literally nothing, yet you act as if you can talk about it. Go read a book kid./QUOTE You sound so retarded. You have no idea what you are talking about. OK, OK, calm down people. Before we all get misunderstood and end up in some kind of big fight resembling a bar brawl taking place in a world where flame words replace drunk man fists. Here's the facts. VAC works by scanning for modified game files, particularly DLL injections into the game EXE.
If, and only if, the cheat does not actually touch the game executable or its files, then there is zero chance of the cheat being caught. If, however, the cheat touches the game EXE (usually by injecting DLLs or otherwise modifying the executable code) or its files, then there is always a chance, however small, that it will be detected by VAC. If such a detection occurs, the cheater is of course flagged for later banning. EDIT: Given the example of a third party overlay. It depends on how the overlay works whether it will be caught or not.
If the overlay taps into the game EXE in order to issue custom rendering code, then it's.possible. (but perhaps unlikely) that it will be flagged as a cheat. If the overlay is an external program that only displays a transparent window on top of the game window, then it will never be caught by VAC. I don't believe this works in fullscreen however.
QUOTE=Tidus7;43883551The game not having a crosshair is nothing but poor game design. FPS games are about getting good at aiming. You can't really aim without a crosshair. It's basic logic./quote That's not basic logic, that's just stupidity. FPS games are indeed about being good with your aim, but crosshairs are a dated and simplistic mechanic used for people who know nothing about actually aiming a weapon. I came into this game from playing other games such as Red Orchestra, which has NO crosshairs i(with the exception of RO2's Action Mode which is designed for new players who don't know better and isn't really played by anybody)/i.
And you aim using the Iron Sights of the actual weapon you're holding. This is exactly what is done in Rust, and I'm glad they followed the same process. quoteEither they add crosshairs in, or continue to act like stubborn children calling people who question poor game design 'cheaters'/quote It's not poor game design, it's keeping up with the times and not resorting to hand-holding game mechanics for players with no real skill that have been in place since the 90's. quoteNotice how every FPS game has a crosshair. Ok, now notice how realism as an argument is irrelevant to basically everything. /quote You haven't played many FPS, obviously.
Oh Gee, CoD, BF and CS all use crosshairs. I guess that means everybody else must follow suit to cater to those talentless crowds. In the past month+ since I had purchased Rust, do you want to know how many times I was killed by another player?
Crosshair Overlay Software Download
bTwo times./b I went up against an 8 bandit team a couple of weeks back and dropped 5 of them before they killed me and only used one medkit during the whole process. They had M4's.
Center Screen Crosshair Overlay
I had an MP5. You wanna know how I did so well? It wasn't because there were crosshairs. It was because I knew how to fire the weapons using the available iron sights and not rely on hip shooting spray & pray tactics. quoteYou will now find yourself struggling to justify 'remember where the center of the screen is' as a valid mechanic in an FPS game. Ya have fun with that/quote Pretty easy with the bow.
Extremely easy with the other weapon's iron sights. Learn how to use them. quotemaster debater editline12th February 2014/editline im still trying to figure out if garry was trolling by comparing a crosshair to full out hack software. I guess he has a weird sense of humor either that or Gmod is the only game he's ever played does anyone else find it immature when he says 'well people are still going to get around it!' Which is basically attacking his legitimate viewerbase? You better seriously watch it when you call me a cheater because i want good gameplay that doesn't involve GUESSING WHERE MY SHOTS ARE GOING TO GO not sure if troll/QUOTE Use the damn sights on the weapons ffs.
You'll know exactly where your shots go if you actually learn to 'AIM' Worst post of the month. editline13th February 2014/editline QUOTE=Tidus7;43883612itd be funny to meet garry in real life and have a nice big discussion about this crosshair issue id like to see how skilled garry is at fps games without a crosshair please teach me the art of guessing where my shots go great garry numan the gaming god who thinks crosshairs are cheating/QUOTE video=youtube;BySEnqMgX0o^ No Crosshairs. Do these players look like they're 'Guessing' where to shoot??
Crosshair Overlay Software
editline13th February 2014/editline QUOTE=Tidus7;43883646notice how easily I summarize how retarded of a debate this is with such minimal effort if you think a crosshair is cheating you need to probably go outside and get some fresh air really is this what you are concerned with in your life? Whether this is cheating? Hey dude you should change your troll profile so it doesn't take up half a page no one really cares about signatures avatars and all that dumb crap. Unless you are obsessed with it of course. Fking nerds wow you're pretty good at post spamming hey? So much substance and contribution in each post!/QUOTE Dude, you're giving us Canadians a real bad name.