Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss
- Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss To Death
- Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss To Kill
- Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss Examples
Glory and honor to God Almight and our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Greetings to you also all nairallanders and to all partners who are supporting this thread. Please we should all behave matured and with co-operation. The fact is that there ain't anyone perfect please any error you observe kindly attempt to make modification and not obnoxious act. Now, since the whole thing is usually created for young inspired programmers. I will lecture you programming and not computer science so our focus will be based on programming.
WHAT IS COMPUTER? A digital computer can simply be define as a powerful electronic(machine) devices which has the capability to accept data as input, apply series of arithmetic and logical operation on the data (processed it) and produce the result of the operation as an output information at a very fast speed. INPUT- PROCESS- OUTPUT Fig 1.0 From the description above, a computer is therefore described as an Input-Process-Output (IPO) system pictorially in the figure above. WHAT IS DATA? Data is a piece of raw fact. Olumide, etc. There are three TYPES of DATA - Numeric data: consists of digits only usually from range 0 to 9.
Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruction from the cannot think. It just does what it is told to do.So computer cannot take its own decision as human.
4278 - Alphabetic data: consists of alphabets only usually from range A - Z. Alphanumeric data: consists of both numbers, alphabets and including special characters (Symbols) such as dollar sign ( $ ).
BF842GSF derived from a vehicle plate number. Under my course in COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDY usually covers alot about the study of computer science as it provide full tutorial. WHAT IS PROGRAMMING? There is no complex defination that will be provided to scare you away from not knowing it.
The way and manner we will be learning here will be entirely different has our aim is not to display or to boast any knowledge here. You will understand, i promise you that you will know programming. Firstly build a great mind within yourself has all dream require such. Dont ever say 'Programming is too hard OR I dont have the aptitude OR you are not brilliant/intelligent enough. What can stop you from your dream? Lack of financial support? Lack of proper device?
The state of your brilliancy? Its definately nothing.
Dont ever aspire to become an expact but always crave to make a difference. Am not trying to depreciate programming but consider it has something made with human hand. The fact is that you are greater than programming. Will you become a servant of what you are greater than. Have a heart decision unless you cannot make it in life. At this point i belive that you have gain the boldness now. Maths is never your problem.
What can ever stop you from your dream? 'Programming is simply the process by which a user (programmer) specified to the computer what he wants it to do.' WHAT IS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE? Programming language is simply the medium or notation of communication with the computer.' Now lets give a few explanation on what we have just define. In the defination of programming, dont be scared of some ambigious words you will get in all this stuff. From the defination above, who is then a programmer?
A programmer is simply someone who does write a program (software). Meaning a programmer does communicate to the computer via (through) the use of programming language. A programmer is someone who engages in programming. Now programming means puting the machine (computer) under an obligation/command to do what you want it to do. The use of writting a sequence of instruction for the computer to perform a particular task. I believe that you are done with programming defination now.
Note we will writting program in as many programming languages as we can cover. Just lets start from the root.
Lets quickly branch to the term 'SOFTWARE' THE SOFTWARE: Software's are basically program. Programs simply but consist of a sequence of instruction needed to be performed to accomplish a task. It is simply the software that enables the hardware to be put into effective use.
It is asserted that a computer without a program is an electronic i.d.i.o.t because it can do nothing constructive or profitable. Software are program. Now programs are born as a result of several orders of programming work and hence serve as a bridge that make the hardware component to function effectively. TWO MAIN CATEGORIES OF SOFTWARE - System software - Application software Long details will not be provided for this. SYSTEM Software: These are programs written by computer manufacture which have a direct effect on the control performance and ease of usage of the computer system. APPLICATION Software: These are programs written by a user for his/her own application. In effect on the efficiency of the computer system, they are in reverse of that of the system software has it does not have any effect.LOADING Lets fully ascend into computer science now in reality usually awaiting on my NEXT Post.
2 Likes 1 Share by ( m): 3:18pm On Dec 11, 2014. : Glory and honor to God Almight and our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Greetings to you also all nairallanders and to all partners who are supporting this thread. Please we should all behave matured and with co-operation. The fact is that there ain't anyone perfect please any error you observe kindly attempt to make modification and not obnoxious act. Now, since the whole thing is usually created for young inspired programmers.
I will lecture you programming and not computer science so our focus will be based on programming. WHAT IS PROGRAMMING?
There is no complex defination that will be provided to scare you away from not knowing it. The way and manner we will be learning here will be entirely different has our aim is not to display or to boast any knowledge here. You will understand, i promise you that you will know programming. Firstly build a great mind within yourself has all dream require such.
Dont ever say 'Programming is too hard OR I dont have the aptitude OR you are not brilliant/intelligent enough. What can stop you from your dream?
Lack of financial support? Lack of proper device? The state of your brilliancy?
Its definately nothing. Dont ever aspire to become an expact but always crave to make a difference. Am not trying to depreciate programming but consider it has something made with human hand. The fact is that you are greater than programming. Will you become a servant of what you are greater than. Have a heart decision unless you cannot make it in life. At this point i belive that you have gain the boldness now.
Maths is never your problem. What can ever stop you from your dream?.
'Programming is simply the process by which a user (programmer) specified to the computer what he wants it to do.' WHAT IS PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE? Programming language is simply the medium or notation of communication with the computer.' Now lets give a few explanation on what we have just define. In the defination of programming, dont be scared of some ambigious words you will get in all this stuff. From the defination above, who is then a programmer?
A programmer is simply someone who does write a program (software). Meaning a programmer does communicate to the computer via (through) the use of programming language. A programmer is someone who engages in programming.
Now programming means puting the machine (computer) under an obligation/command to do what you want it to do. The use of writting a sequence of instruction for the computer to perform a particular task. I believe that you are done with programming defination now., Note we will writting program in as many programming languages as we can cover. Just lets start from the root. Lets quickly branch to the term 'SOFTWARE', THE SOFTWARE Software's are basically program. Programs simply but consist of a sequence of instruction needed to be performed to accomplish a task.
It is simply the software that enables the hardware to be put into effective use. It is noted that a computer without a program is an electronic idiot because it can do nothing constructive or profitable. Software are program. Now programs are born as a result of several orders of programming work and hence serve as a bridge that make the hardware component to function effectively.
TWO MAIN CATEGORIES OF SOFTWARE. System software - Application software.
Long details will not be provided for this. SYSTEM Software op!!! We need to talk ASAP!!! 1 Like by Nobody: 3:39pm On Dec 13, 2014. Glory to my Jesus the greatest.
Greetings to you also all nairalanders and to those who are supporting and not supporting this thread. Well, i said earlier that your word can definately change my decision.
Have been seeing how people did count this as a priviledge for them to learn. There is a distint advantage of learning through forum than other tutorial website. The END-base of every online tutorial is usually FORUM. My brothers and brethrens, i know what it takes to be in such a category but.
I HAVE A GOOD NEWS FOR YOU. Because i fear God i backpedal my decision; 'I CHANGE MY MIND'. I will further the course in a more benefiting way with even new inspiration. NOTE: I will always post the date of the next lesson at the end of every CHAPTER.
PRECAUSION: Any teaching/tutorial posted and seems incorrect should be corrected by notification especially by the professionals present on this thread. Professional guru in the field should not use this as an opportunity to display knowledge, any boasting or self-esteem.
Readers should be vigilant enough to use the NOTABLE word as a syntax to use when searching on search engines. Students should make sure they submit every assignment given to them at the end of every CHAPTER.
Failure to do so will boom irresponsibility on the thread. Other professionals in the thread will assist me in marking assignments and monitoring indiscipline. They are permited to teach inline with Teaching on the thread. Every Chapter will consist of Table of contents. TOOLS - since we are brothers and brethrens and their is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.
Every necessary material, tools, books or platform you need will be provided. WHY DO I TEACH? It was just something laid in my heart to do as i slept a night and i was overcome by sleep but on waken up, been fought with the inspiration of teaching newbies in this very particular field. Usually from my very second post i decided to drop teaching, not because of anything but because THERE is no TIME. But out of no time; THERE WILL BE Time. OUR FOCUS My desire will never be to please you but to satisfy my JESUS. I will never post when not to post and i will never be an advocate of population.
Money will never be my priority but my source is sufficient to source out all my resources. You are not my focus, JESUS is my focus. ASSURANCE I Bambe Olumide is assuring you that as long as i am still teaching on this thread, i will rather be interested in the UNDERSTANDING of people and not to gain ATTENTION. I know what it is to TEACH and i know what it is to UN-SEALED knowledge. Several examples and charts diagram will be use to teach as a pictorial or diagramatic AIDS. I will instaed attempts to teach as if am teaching with the confidence of understanding.
EXAMPLE: What is Amoeba? Amu is a young boy in the town of Lagos and his best food is Eba (a meal).
One day he was hungry and stole Eba from a food seller. One starmmerer saw him and shouted 'Amu Eba'. A white man then said; what do you mean? You mean 'AMOEBA'. Now Eba is a shapeless meal as it can be drawn into different shape. Its shape is indefinite and very uncertain so that is how the characteristics include Shapelesness and so on. Meeting you in grace and living you with the same even more.
JESUS is LORD Do you BELIEVE? Lessons will commence or be posted on the: 22nd of December 2014 2 Likes by ( m): 10:43pm On Dec 21, 2014.
LEVELS OF PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. The defination of programming has been giving earlier and in case you could'nt follow, here is the defination again. Programming is simply the process by which a computer operator i.e a programmer put the computer under an obligation or an instruction specification to accomplish your desired task. Furthermore, we continue by saying that programmer is simply someone who engage in programming. Better understanding of the defination of programming is usually in Chapter one. There are three (3) levels of programming language (i) LOW LEVEL LANGUAGE (L.L.L) e.g.
BASIC, PASCAL, COBOL, PLI, PROLOG, FORTRAN etc. MACHINE LANGUAGE (M.L) -) This language consists of binary code i.e. A string of ones (1) and zeros (0). Exp: Its because computer are made up of components which are electronic in nature.
The reason why the strings are denoted with ones and zeros is because the devices can only exist in essential two stages (ON) or (OFF), conducting or none conducting, magnetizing clockwise or anticlockwise. As a result of this TOGGLE state, the binary number of string ones and zeros are the suitable notation that best satisfy the machine.) The second thing to know is that it is the only language undersood by the computer. Exp: It is very simple just as you also understand only but a few language. You can understand and run a language which says 'Fetch me water' but when another comes and said 'Sert am tala uth' you will immediately ignore it because you do not understand the language. LOW LEVEL LANGUAGE (L.L.L) These are symbolic language in which alphabets or combination of them is used to represent computer operation and memory addresses i.e. Exp: Before the arrival of this particular language, programming wasnt an easy task and very inconvenient.
Consider the possibility of printing HELLO WORLD on the screen and start writting: 01 10001 This will be very confusing when it comes to large program. As a result of this complicated situation, low level languages were born into the world and the manifest the enablement of writting programs our natural human language i.e.
ENGLISH and even including some special characters i.e. SYMBOLS (?,!, ',:, $) in writting programs. NOTE: The US English is the most commonly used or supported by the computer because the destiny of the computer as a machine rest upon the United state. It is called low level, not because it is inferrior (low) to other programming languages levels but because of its closeness to the natural machine language. An example is assembly language as well as its own machine language.
INTERMEDIATE LEVEL LANGUAGE These are languages which serve as a bridge between the high and low levels which are mostly used in writting system software such as compiler etc. Exp: these languages are in between the other levels of programming language. Consider fig 1.1 below ( M.L ) ( H.L.L ) fig 1.1 HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE These are problem oriented language. They expressed solution to be expressed in a form closer to natural human language. Examples are: (i) FORTRAN: FORmular TRANslator (ii) BASIC: Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code (iii) COBOL: Common Business Oriented Language.
(iv) DBASE 3+, DBASE IV data oriented language. Exp: High level languages are a a very good programming languages as it provide ease of usage for the programmer. Their syntax are not as tough as that of INTERMEDIATE languages and in structural development.
Many programmers still find it very useful to be CODING with I.L.M languages despite all their toughness because it is highly well constuctive as well as including enough libraries suitable to perform your willing wish. Note: Java was usually created to be easier than C but due to adoption buy companies it emerges to become a greate programming language just like C and C. Assignments will usually be provided at the end of the CHAPTER. Lets emerge into PROGRAM TRANSLATION Please let us know your mind as you are entitled to ask questions.
1 Like by Nobody: 5:12pm On Dec 22, 2014. PROGRAM TRANSLATION.
The number one point to assert is that: - Machine language can be directly executed by the computer, but the non-machine language programs (i.e. Programs in L.L.L. Or H.L.L.) are not directly executable.
Exp: It is because the computer as a machine does not understand this language just as i sad earlier that an English man does not understand a French language and whatever the french man said, he will just be looking and will do nothing. So it is applicable to a computer also. But now we can still do something about it since we cannot just be CODING with binary strings alone but have to express our program in a much related natural human language. And since the french man is so desperate to communicate with the English man likewise the English man too and vise-versa. So for us to accomplish this task, we will need a man who will serve as an INTERPRETER (usually a Translator) to interprete what the french man is saying to the English man. Example: The French man said 'BONJU LAPEL EM MEZUE', since the English man usually did not understand what the French man is saying BUT once an Interpreter comes and interprete and said 'PLEASE HELP ME TO DRAW WATER' the English man will be very happy since he is an expert in the work and will quickly draw the water and the French man will be very happy.
Now from the example given above, we can derive that an Interpreters (Translator) job is usually to manifest the possibility for the french man to communicate to the English man. Note: Translator is usually a program on its own. In order for programs written in Low level and High level language to be EXECUTED by the machine (computer) a program called lanuage translator is needed. So you already know the work of the translator that it translate programs written in non-machine language into machine language executable.

Now program translator does varies in work perspectively.) Assemblers are programs that translate assembly language programs into machine equivalent.) Compilers are programs that translate high level language programs into the machine language equivalent. ' The machine language equivalent product or output of translator are called object program or codes. I strongly believe that if you patiently and attentively read, you will understand. But in case you still dont understand, since our learning ability are usually different and does varies dont essitate in drawing me back since i cant know which aspect you dont understand. Lets give a little but strong story of programming. In a particular city in the nation of Nigeria usually called Lagos.
At sometimes they usually decided to host an award called 'GRAMMING' Award. The Gramming award was usually developed by some group of people called 'MATHEWS' usually called math. It was later adopted by another sectors of group called 'PRODA' usually called pro.
This group then nutured it to its very early stage. That is how they latter join the term Pro and gramming together. That is how it is called PROGRAMMING. Thanks for following. 1 Like by ( m): 1:23pm On Dec 25, 2014. INTRODUCTION TO - Text editor - Word processing - Spreadsheet program - Algorithm - Flowcharting TEXT EDITOR: A text editor is a type of program used for editing plain text files. Text editors are often provided with operating systems and software development packages, and can be used to change, e.g., configuration files, documentation files, programming language source code.
Exp: There is no doubt about it, you are familier with it. A good example is Notepad.
WORD PROCESSING: A word processor is an electric or electronic device, or computer software application, that, as directed by the user, performs word processing: the composition, editing, formatting, and sometimes printing of any sort of written material. Exp: The application is a non-numerical while others are largely concerned with manipulation of numerical data. Word processor is more frequently used by more people than others because many users of word processor make use of it every day, while users of spreadsheet for example, and use it once in a week or in a month. A good example is Microsoft word, locoscript, display write 4, easy script, MultiMate, wordPerfect, wordStar, word craft, tasword and NOTEPAD which is deferent entirely. SPREADSHEET: In a simple description, spreadsheet is a term used to described packages that greatly facilities pen paper calculations. You can search more about it in search engines like google, bing or even online free encyclopedia like wikipedia and encyclopedia. Now, lets ascend to Algorithms and Flowcharting introduction.
Note: All this are introduction in order to make it easier when we get to to the particular TOPIC. You are entitled not to comprehend now but better explanation will be provided later. By ( m): 11:00am On Dec 27, 2014. : I don't report to any of my accusations. Go and learn at Thanks for closing the thread.
Please my brethrens, drop your mail account and lets emerge as i have many secret to leak. Blessed be the hand that close the thread.
Don't think its pride but let it be so. When the time comes i will start a new tutorial usually on another thread. You have the desicion, follow your heart.nobody closed the thread, if it was closed you and i would be unable to coment on this thread. So there is noting stoping you from countinuing 1 Like 1 Share.
June 2013 is almost at an end, and we've seen the passing of two major software development conferences, and, both of which have demonstrated and issued preview releases of three major client/device operating systems, Mac OS X 'Mavericks', iOS 7, and Microsoft Windows 8.1. In all three cases, significant user interface changes have been introduced, and there's been no lack of whining and complaining by certain groups of end users that those changes are for the worse. In Microsoft's case, the Preview release of Windows 8.1 has generally been heralded as an improvement, since the balance of the radical changes to the operating system occurred in Windows 8, but there will almost certainly be some people who regard any sort of change as negative. Since the dawn of personal computing, the cycle of resistance to change has been never ending. To understand the nature of this resistance to change, we have to go back to the very beginning. Xerox Star interface, c.1982.
Image: Xerox The first Graphical User Interface (GUI) to be used in experimental form was Xerox's Alto workstation in 1972, a machine so far ahead of its time that its innovations would not be experienced by end users in the general population until 12 years later, in the form of Apple's original Macintosh computer. If you consider that a typical IBM PC cost about $2,000 and a Star was about $16,000 in 1982 dollars, it's easy to understand why this system failed so miserably in the marketplace. Despite being a commercial failure, what Xerox developed for the Alto and the Star at its Palo Alto Research Center in the early 1970s has stuck with us for 40 years — the idea of a visual 'Desktop' paradigm that uses windows, icons, menus, and pointers, also commonly referred to as by user interface designers. Until the advent of GUIs, PCs, minicomputers, and mainframe terminals were operated by command line interfaces (CLIs). This required memorizing frequently complex syntax to get even the most simple tasks done. In that time period, PC applications themselves used menu-driven interfaces, but were entirely text based, and the use of things like mice and pointers was practically an alien concept to most people. While CLIs are still used heavily today, and remain a very powerful tool in modern operating systems such as Windows, UNIX, and Linux, they are primarily used by systems professionals in order to batch automate operations through scripting, and are no longer the primary interface that end users interact with in order to do routine things like move and delete files, or start programs.
Once the Mac made its debut in 1984, there was an utter explosion in the rise of personal computing through the rollout of GUIs on other computing platforms. Microsoft followed with Windows 1.0 in 1985, which was originally an add-on product for. It should be noted that the introduction of was considered a radical change itself on PCs, considering that many users were actually quite accustomed to the command prompt and text-based applications. Although the Macintosh's release in 1984 was a landmark for the commercialization of the GUI in personal computers, it wasn't until 1990, with the introduction of, that the concept of the GUI truly began to take hold with the general population of PC end users. Change is never easy for users to accept, even if you are introducing new technologies that are supposed to make their lives easier or the computing experience simpler. After Windows 3.0, use of GUIs utterly exploded in computing.
Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss To Death
Text-based applications made way for graphical-based applications. The need for the end user to understand how the command line worked as well as other arcane things about PCs began to decrease more and more over time, and, as such, the basic competencies required to operate a personal computer also reduced substantially. The net result? More and more people became comfortable with using computers. And thus, the PC industry exploded.
There were, of course, other attempts to create better GUIs. IBM tried to market with its GUI, which in its second version offered pre-emptive multitasking as well as an object-oriented system. Many industry pundits and technologists (myself included) believed that OS/2 2.0 was a superior system to Windows 3.x. However, IBM did a terrible job of marketing the product, and due to the overwhelming penetration of Windows into the PC marketplace, end users didn't bite on it and developers were slow to write applications for it. Additionally, heavy PC resource requirements to run IBM's 'superior' OS optimally (16MB of RAM was expensive in those days, around $600) left OS/2 to become something of a niche system for highly-specialized vertical market applications. Eventually IBM did optimize the software to run well in 4MB of RAM, the standard for Windows PCs at the time, but it was too late.
Steve Jobs, after leaving Apple in 1985, went on to create the, released in 1988, which like OS/2, featured a sophisticated graphical object-oriented operating system. The systems were extremely expensive ($6,500) and targeted toward a vertical market (education). The company ceased producing hardware in 1993 to focus on operating system software for x86 and UNIX workstations, which it also greatly failed to successfully market as well. Had it not been for Apple's declining health in the mid-1990s — facing imminent financial ruin with its products growing stagnant and having experienced multiple failed attempts at creating a next-generation operating system of its own — requiring desperate measures on the part of the company to 'Think Different', NeXT would have probably also been relegated to the dustbin of history. Without Apple's intervention in NeXT, Steve Jobs would have been remembered fondly as the guy who co-founded and ran a fledgling computer company in the 1980s, flopped spectacularly with NeXT and broke into the CGI films market with Pixar.

As we all know, and its intellectual property in the form of the OpenStep operating system, Objective-C development tools and the WebObjects programming framework was purchased in 1995, and became the basis for Mac OS X as well as iOS. Again, NeXT's failure to win over large groups of end users, and Apple's own unwillingless to take drastic measures to improve its products until it was almost too late, are prime examples of resistance to change. Of course, overall cost of moving to a new platform or an environment can be a huge limiting factor, as in the case of the Alto, the Star, OS/2 and also NeXT. But in recent times, cost has rarely factored into the equation, as platforms have been highly competitive in price as of late. And as we have seen even with free and open-source end-user desktop platforms like Ubuntu Linux, and open-source GUIs like GNOME and KDE, absence of cost does not equate to mass adoption.
Once you increase the size of any user population, the more they get used to doing something, the harder it is to move them into the next evolutionary phase. This resistance occurs every single time a UI has to be revamped to address fundamental changes in user behavior or overall improvements in the underlying technology platform. We saw this, for example, with the introduction of the Start Menu in, which was utterly pervasive in Windows until 2012. Mind you, Windows 95 was an extremely successful operating system, but the migration to using the new GUI from Program Manager did not go without its own share of people kicking and screaming along the way.
GUIs have not remained stagnant, of course. With the introduction of mobile computing, smartphones, and tablets, interfaces have needed to change out of the necessity to facilitate the underlying platform, the applications, and use cases.
Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss To Kill
There are now hundreds of millions of computing devices in the wild, all using GUIs. Because the form factors are so different from what we have been traditionally using on the desktop and in laptops, the GUI needs to evolve, particularly as we are seeing the inevitable movement toward platform singularity or the. We are also moving toward the use of devices that need to be optimized for touch and for lower power consumption, and applications that need to maximize the use of screen real estate and use resources in the cloud. And, almost certainly, along with the use of these inexpensive, lower-power devices,. Including the most demanding ones Because of this, changes, across all of the major platforms, which is also attracting its share of resistance and ire.
We live in an interesting time, one in which the previous era in computing intersects with the next, and the most difficult adaptation of end-user computing habits must take place. The GUI, almost magical in its design, has made computing accessible to all and completely pervasive in our society, but with it brings a curse of resistance to change and a complacency that comes from taking ease of use for granted. After 40 years of personal computing, the end user has become a simpleton, no longer requiring specialized knowledge to operate the system.
In effect, he's been transformed into a cranky idiot who becomes angry when even the smallest change requiring learning new habits is introduced. Resistance to this change is inevitable. But we all have to go through it eventually, this cranky idiot included.
Computer Without Software Is An Electronic Idiot Discuss Examples
Has the explosion in GUIs over the last 40 years made change and end-user acceptance more and more difficult through each successive generation? Talk back and let me know. Related Topics. By registering you become a member of the CBS Interactive family of sites and you have read and agree to the, and.
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