Capm Rita Mulcahy Rapidshare Search
AVOID THIS JUNK – DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY Mulcahy's book presents what she thinks the PMBOK should be, not what it actually is. In fact, the PMI is much bigger than Rita – it comprises serious, experienced executives and academics from all over the world. Rita may have been one of the founders of the PMI, but I get the distinct feeling that it has moved far beyond her. In 'Rita's Process Chart' (Page 43) she identifies lots of extra 'processes' that are undoubtedly good things to do, but are not recognised by the PMBOK as processes. She also misses out important processes identified in the PMBOK. She seems unable to distinguish between activities and processes (groups of related activities).
Capm Rita Mulcahy Rapidshare Search Engine
From the author of the best-selling PMP exam preparation book in the world, CAPM Exam Prep, Premier Edition by Rita Mulcahy is slated to be the worldwide standard for people studying for the CAPM exam. In addition to 12 comprehensive lessons, this innovative book includes games, exercises, Tricks of the Trade and common pitfalls and mistakes.
This is why she has far too many 'processes'. INITIATING She identifies numerous 'processes' whereas there are in fact just two. PLANNING Missing 'Develop The Project Plan' 'Estimate Costs' 'Plan Quality' EXECUTING Missing 'Manage Shareholder Expectations' MONITORING & CONTROLLING Missing 'Verify Scope' 'Control Scope' 'Control Costs' 'Control Schedule' CLOSING Again, too many processes – differs substantially from the PMBOK It is irritating that she changes process names to be different from the PMBOK where the meaning is essentially the same, e.g. She identifies a process that she calls ' Take actions to control the project', which the PMBOK calls, 'Monitor and Control Project Work' Why do this? A far better book is the PMP Study Guide by Kim Heldman.
She does not deviate from, or try to reinvent the PMBOK. On the contrary, she walks you through what it actually is, while providing lots of real life examples based on many years of personal experience at the top levels of management, thus filling in any gaps. It is written in a clear and easy-to-understand style. She breaks the material down, presents it in a logical order, and explains everything so that it makes perfect sense.
Compared to Mulcahy, she is like a breath of fresh air. Mulcahy harps on about how she has the inside track, how no-one else's book is as good as hers, and how you don't need any other book but hers. She claims to present important information that is not in the PMBOK, but is needed to pass (a preposterous claim). She also constantly belittles those who do not have experience of large, multi-national projects with hundreds of participants. I've only got to chapter 4 in Mulcahy's book, and am now going to abandon it.
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If she can deviate so spectacularly from the PMBOK just on the process groups, how bad will the rest of it be? I have lost confidence in her as a reliable knowledge source, and intend to go with the PMBOK itself and Heldman's book to supplement and clarify the core material. The software.

I have to wonder why it has no digital signature – every security package in the world will instantly flag this as a major risk. Why does one have to disable all firewalls, anti-virus, and spyware detection before installing? Very suspicious. These people are either immensely arrogant or seriously incompetent. I installed it on a 'sandbox' machine and it would not run. It looks for a local service that does not exist in Vista. At this point I can't be bothered with Mulcahy's products.
If the software is as bad as the book then it's just not worth going through the hassle of trying to get technical support. I will never again in my life purchase anything that has her name associated with it. Not that she cares – I've already handed over the money for this pile of mince. Great learning tool!

Compared with other PMP Prep books this one stands out as a must have for anyone studying for PMP. Find my font software cracker. I used the prior edition of this book combined with the exam similation questions and passed 5 years ago. I recommend this book to anyone learning Project Management or even as an ongoing reference. It may not be a page by page match to PMBOK but that's not the point. What it does give you is real world scenarios to apply PMBOK. It is easy to read, gives you good practice questions and useful flash cards.
Rita Mulcahy Dead
As a professional project manager who mentors junior PM's this is on my recommended list!